Graffiti, Street Art, And Creative Cities in a Global Frame: The City as Discovery, co-authored by Dr. Caitlin Bruce and Dr. Ricardo Klein from University of Valencia, is now available as an ebook.
The book explores the question of how, in global settings, street art and graffiti are combined with tourism to interpret and make value out of spaces. With this broader question in mind, the book focuses on street art tourism practices across eight cities: Barcelona, Paris, Porto, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Montevideo, Bogota and Buenos Aires. As academic interest in street art and graffiti is rapidly expanding, this book offers important context and grounding in the cultural implications and impacts of these practices.
Research for the book was made possible due to the support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation's Lost Cities Initiative, Northwestern University's Paris Program in Critical Theory, as well as the Global Studies Center's Global Academic Partnership and other internal grants from the University of Pittsburgh.